Black British Businesses, a book by Tskenya-Sarah Frazer

We are overcome with pride to learn about the publication of Tskenya-Sarah Frazer’s ‘A Quick ‘Ting On Black British Businesses’ – a copy of which Tskenya posted to Miss Warren with a wonderful handwritten note. Tskenya-Sarah Frazer is officially the very first Mossbournian author and we couldn’t be prouder.

Well remembered by many, Tskenya always brimmed with enthusiasm and positivity; from her first day at Mossbourne in September 2005 staff knew she would be a huge force for positivity in the world.  In ‘A Quick ‘Ting On: Black British Businesses’ , Tskenya-Sarah Frazer reflects on her own, sometimes challenging, journey to becoming an award-winning Black business owner. This book, one of a series dedicated to Black Britishness,   presents significant moments of the ‘Black entrepreneurial journey in the UK and abroad’ including first-hand interviews with Black British entrepreneurs.  Tskenya-Sarah Frazer, who recently presented a talk to our younger students, and always finds time in her busy schedule to come in to help at Mossbourne, is a total inspiration – we are very proud to name her a Mossbourne Alumni! Learn more about Tskenya here:

Black British Businesses, a book by Tskenya-Sarah Frazer